Welcome to my Blog!

This is where you will find sneak peeks of my most recent sessions, monthly specials, contests to win free stuff and maybe even some personal thoughts or inspiration. I'm a natural light photographer. I love working with babies and children, but am venturing into the wedding and engagement world. This has been an incredible journey, and I hope you feel at home as I experience the joy of taking pictures. Oh, and leave a comment or two - I would love to hear from you! - Melissa


Back in Action!


I've been gone entirely too long. With our move from Southern California to Reno, Nevada - I have felt in somewhat of limbo. Since arriving here in October of 2008 - I've been trying to make some sense of my goals, as well as just trying to survive :)

With my new location has come a new logo, new website, new blog, new ideas, and LOTS of new sessions!!! It has also come with the desire to enter the wedding and engagement side of photography. Although there are major difference between shooting children and shooting a wedding - so to say that I have a lot of learning, practicing, and praying to do would be an understatement.

It feels good to be back. In honor of the new everything, I've posted a few of my favorite photos from the past 4.5 months. Enjoy!

, Melissa

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